Welcome to my Blog or I would rather say to my Home Page. The content here is mostly for my own use, i. e. to organize my interests/hobbies and to make it possible to recap what I have found is of interest for me. Some of it may also be of interest for you and I will be glad to share it. As you can see this Home Page has somewhat a focus on amateur radio/amateur astronomy & satellite. That is because my main hobby is or has been Astronomy,Satellite, Amateur Radio with my callsign 9W2DDA.Sometimes it is watching or digital photography.Digital Product It depends on my mood of the day. That is why the content here has a widespread focus on little here and there. My name is Dr.Mohd Anuar and I live in Cenang Beach Langkawi Island District 1979-2022,Moving Kuala Muda District (Tikam Batu, Sungai Lalang, Sungai Layar, Sungai Petani, Gurun) Black History Happened 2020-2022 My Shophouse, Has Been Transferred Due To The Struggle Of Inheritance, And My Shophouse Was Demolished By The Al Ehsan Mosque, Without Proper Compensation.

Jumaat, 23 Oktober 2009

Baik Pulih Repeater Astra G,Raya Langkawi

Pada Jam 10.30am swal GMT menjemput aku ke Gunung Raya sebelum itu berQSO dengan Pak exco(9w2XCO) yang bermobeli ke Gunung Raya.

Nyamanya Udara,Sejuk Melayan Kabus.yang meliputi kawasan G,Raya.Masa di ambil 30 minit untuk sampai di kemuncak G,Raya pada Paras bumi 28000 kaki..waduh terjumpa rakan 9w2CZL & xyl dalam perjalanan turun kerana Xyl sakit kepala biasalah bila kita menaiki Gunung Paras Makin Meningkat Graviti pun lagi kuat.

Pak Exco( 9w2XCO) & Abg Syuki ( 9w2SKI ) sedang memotong rumput serta Repair Repeater selepas 40 minit membuat servis menukar bateri yang baru.dan menroga-roga cabel yang berkarat.ujian pemancaran aku buat tembak ke LARUT.

9w2DMG ( Abg Megat ) menjawab uijian pemancaran bersama rakan di Larut.Pak Exco pula menbuat Pemancaran Pula selepas itu selepas 9w2SKI ( Abg Syuki) menbuat kerja terakhir.

tepat jam 12pm semua turun dari Gunung Raya
Malam akan dibuat Ujian pemancaran dari Base Masing.

Selamat BerQSO jalur Panjang

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